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sky icon
Cloud Cover: %
Currently: 8.8, Min: 8, Max: 9.9
8,8°C  falling


Feels like: 7°C
Inside: 12,9°C
  High Low
Today: 9,9°C (03:39) 8,0°C (02:23)
Yesterday: 11,2°C (14:08) 5,4°C (02:52)
Month: 17,2°C (02-02) 5,4°C (06-02)
Year: 18,4°C (07-01) 5,4°C (06-02)
Last year: 38,4°C (18-07) 1,9°C (20-01)
Records/today: 19,7°C (2024) 8,0°C (2025)


Rain Today:0,0 mm

Rain Rate/hr:0,0 mm

Yesterday:0,2 mm

This Month:15,4 mm

Season Total:109,6 mm




Wind from ENE

Wind from ENE
11,2 km/h

2 Bft
Light breeze

20,9 km/h

Gust today:
37,1 km/h at 07:20


Sun:   sunrise  07:27 sunset  17:59

Daylight hh:mm 10:32 (+ 2 minutes)

Moon:  moonrise  12:39 moonset  03:26

Waxing Gibbous,  75% Illuminated

Humidity & Barometer

Humidity: falling 44%

Dew Point: falling -2,8°C

Barometer: steady 1032,0 hPa

Trend: Steady

UV Index Forecast more information

uv index rounded


2,5   Low 

UV Index Forecast more information

uv index rounded


2,5   Low 

Weather Forecast (summary)  more information


Lightly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Partly cloudy Lightly cloudy
Lightly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Partly cloudy Lightly cloudy
- - - 0.1 mm - - - 0.1 mm - -

NE-15 km/h

W-13 km/h

W-8 km/h

NE-22 km/h

N-7 km/h

NW-9 km/h

NW-9 km/h

N-18 km/h

NE-13 km/h

W-9 km/h


here the graph will be drawn

Forecast by 6 hour intervals

Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Pressure
14 - 20 15 km/h - NE
Gentle breeze
67%1035 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Pressure
20 - 02Lightly cloudy Lightly cloudy 13 km/h - W
Gentle breeze
68%1034 hPa
02 - 08Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 8 km/h - W
Light breeze
71%1034 hPa
08 - 14Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 0.1 mm22 km/h - NE
Moderate breeze
59%1032 hPa
14 - 20Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 7 km/h - N
Light breeze
71%1032 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Pressure
20 - 02Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 9 km/h - NW
Light breeze
74%1031 hPa
02 - 08Cloudy Cloudy 9 km/h - NW
Light breeze
75%1031 hPa
08 - 14Cloudy Cloudy 0.1 mm18 km/h - N
Gentle breeze
62%1029 hPa
14 - 20Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 13 km/h - NE
Gentle breeze
76%1030 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Pressure
20 - 02Lightly cloudy Lightly cloudy 9 km/h - W
Light breeze
68%1029 hPa
02 - 08Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 11 km/h - NE
Light breeze
76%1029 hPa
08 - 14Cloudy Cloudy 7 km/h - N
Light breeze
55%1027 hPa
14 - 20Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 6 km/h - E
Light air
72%1028 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Pressure
20 - 02Lightly cloudy Lightly cloudy 5 km/h - SW
Light air
80%1029 hPa
02 - 08Clear Clear 6 km/h - SW
Light air
65%1029 hPa
08 - 14Clear Clear 6 km/h - NE
Light air
56%1028 hPa
14 - 20Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 5 km/h - E
Light air
75%1029 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Pressure
20 - 02Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 2 km/h - SW
Light air
76%1030 hPa
02 - 08Clear Clear 4 km/h - SW
Light air
75%1031 hPa
08 - 14Clear Clear10° 7 km/h - E
Light breeze
53%1030 hPa
14 - 20Cloudy Cloudy 8 km/h - E
Light breeze
70%1031 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Pressure
20 - 02Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 1 km/h - SW
Light air
81%1031 hPa
02 - 08Cloudy Cloudy 4 km/h - SW
Light air
71%1030 hPa
08 - 14Cloudy Cloudy11° 0.1 mm13 km/h - SE
Gentle breeze
65%1028 hPa
14 - 20Cloudy Cloudy 8 km/h - S
Light breeze
80%1027 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Pressure
20 - 02Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 8 km/h - SW
Light breeze
88%1025 hPa
02 - 08Cloudy Cloudy 9 km/h - SW
Light breeze
83%1023 hPa
08 - 14Cloudy Cloudy15° 13 km/h - S
Gentle breeze
69%1020 hPa
14 - 20Cloudy Cloudy11° 0.1 mm3 km/h - SW
Light air
89%1019 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Pressure
20 - 02Lightly cloudy Lightly cloudy 8 km/h - SW
Light breeze
80%1018 hPa
02 - 08Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 1 km/h - W
Light air
78%1017 hPa
08 - 14Lightly cloudy Lightly cloudy15° 0.3 mm9 km/h - N
Light breeze
76%1015 hPa
14 - 20Drizzle, clear Drizzle, clear11° 0.7 mm0 km/h - W
86%1015 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Pressure
20 - 02Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 1 km/h - W
Light air
85%1014 hPa
02 - 08Cloudy Cloudy10° 1 km/h - W
Light air
86%1013 hPa
08 - 14Some rain, clear Some rain, clear14° 1.6 mm7 km/h - N
Light breeze
78%1012 hPa
14 - 20Some rain, clear Some rain, clear11° 1.3 mm2 km/h - SW
Light air
88%1014 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Pressure
20 - 02Cloudy Cloudy 4 km/h - SW
Light air
90%1016 hPa

Forecast details

Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
19-20Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 15 km/h - NE
Gentle breeze
67%51%1035 hPa
20-21Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 15 km/h - NE
Gentle breeze
66%11%1035 hPa
21-22Clear Clear 13 km/h - NE
Gentle breeze
69%0%1035 hPa
22-23Clear Clear 11 km/h - NE
Light breeze
70%1%1035 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
23-00Clear Clear 9 km/h - NW
Light breeze
69%7%1035 hPa
00-01Clear Clear 11 km/h - W
Light breeze
69%32%1035 hPa
01-02Lightly cloudy Lightly cloudy 13 km/h - W
Gentle breeze
68%47%1034 hPa
02-03Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 12 km/h - W
Light breeze
67%46%1034 hPa
03-04Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 10 km/h - SW
Light breeze
70%42%1034 hPa
04-05Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 8 km/h - SW
Light breeze
71%35%1034 hPa
05-06Lightly cloudy Lightly cloudy 6 km/h - SW
Light air
72%85%1033 hPa
06-07Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 5 km/h - W
Light air
72%73%1033 hPa
07-08Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 8 km/h - W
Light breeze
71%67%1034 hPa
08-09Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 16 km/h - NE
Gentle breeze
66%71%1034 hPa
09-10Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 23 km/h - NE
Moderate breeze
64%60%1034 hPa
10-11Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 25 km/h - NE
Moderate breeze
63%89%1034 hPa
11-12Cloudy Cloudy 24 km/h - NE
Moderate breeze
61%93%1034 hPa
12-13Cloudy Cloudy 24 km/h - NE
Moderate breeze
59%96%1033 hPa
13-14Cloudy Cloudy 22 km/h - NE
Moderate breeze
59%96%1032 hPa
14-15Cloudy Cloudy 22 km/h - N
Moderate breeze
59%96%1031 hPa
15-16Cloudy Cloudy 21 km/h - NE
Moderate breeze
61%94%1031 hPa
16-17Cloudy Cloudy 18 km/h - NE
Gentle breeze
63%89%1031 hPa
17-18Cloudy Cloudy 14 km/h - NE
Gentle breeze
70%50%1031 hPa
18-19Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 10 km/h - N
Light breeze
73%54%1032 hPa
19-20Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 7 km/h - N
Light breeze
71%57%1032 hPa
20-21Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 7 km/h - NW
Light breeze
71%56%1032 hPa
21-22Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 8 km/h - NW
Light breeze
68%59%1032 hPa
22-23Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 9 km/h - NW
Light breeze
67%78%1032 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
23-00Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 9 km/h - NW
Light breeze
69%49%1032 hPa
00-01Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 10 km/h - NW
Light breeze
71%95%1031 hPa
01-02Cloudy Cloudy 9 km/h - NW
Light breeze
74%100%1031 hPa
02-03Cloudy Cloudy 9 km/h - NW
Light breeze
75%100%1031 hPa
03-04Cloudy Cloudy 10 km/h - NW
Light breeze
75%100%1030 hPa
04-05Cloudy Cloudy 10 km/h - N
Light breeze
75%100%1030 hPa
05-06Cloudy Cloudy 9 km/h - N
Light breeze
75%100%1030 hPa
06-07Cloudy Cloudy 9 km/h - N
Light breeze
77%88%1031 hPa
07-08Cloudy Cloudy 9 km/h - NW
Light breeze
75%61%1031 hPa
08-09Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 12 km/h - N
Light breeze
67%68%1031 hPa
09-10Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 17 km/h - N
Gentle breeze
63%77%1031 hPa
10-11Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 19 km/h - N
Gentle breeze
64%91%1031 hPa
11-12Cloudy Cloudy 19 km/h - N
Gentle breeze
63%96%1031 hPa
12-13Cloudy Cloudy 19 km/h - N
Gentle breeze
63%96%1030 hPa
13-14Cloudy Cloudy 18 km/h - N
Gentle breeze
62%91%1029 hPa
14-15Cloudy Cloudy 17 km/h - N
Gentle breeze
60%86%1029 hPa
15-16Cloudy Cloudy 17 km/h - N
Gentle breeze
60%82%1029 hPa
16-17Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 16 km/h - NE
Gentle breeze
61%75%1029 hPa
17-18Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 14 km/h - NE
Gentle breeze
70%72%1029 hPa
18-19Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 13 km/h - NE
Gentle breeze
75%87%1029 hPa
19-20Cloudy Cloudy 13 km/h - NE
Gentle breeze
76%93%1030 hPa
20-21Cloudy Cloudy 12 km/h - NE
Light breeze
76%78%1030 hPa
21-22Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 9 km/h - NE
Light breeze
76%25%1030 hPa
22-23Lightly cloudy Lightly cloudy 9 km/h - W
Light breeze
77%4%1030 hPa
Period Forecast Temperature Precipitation Wind Humidity Clouds Pressure
23-00Clear Clear 14 km/h - W
Gentle breeze
79%6%1030 hPa
00-01Clear Clear 13 km/h - W
Gentle breeze
76%11%1029 hPa
01-02Clear Clear 9 km/h - W
Light breeze
68%33%1029 hPa
02-03Lightly cloudy Lightly cloudy 7 km/h - W
Light breeze
68%48%1029 hPa
03-04Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 6 km/h - NW
Light air
71%82%1028 hPa
04-05Partly cloudy Partly cloudy 6 km/h - NW
Light air
71%92%1028 hPa
05-06Cloudy Cloudy 8 km/h - N
Light breeze
74%96%1028 hPa
06-07Cloudy Cloudy 10 km/h - N
Light breeze
76%97%1028 hPa
07-08Cloudy Cloudy 11 km/h - NE
Light breeze
76%95%1029 hPa

Met.No - Yr.No logo Meteogram and script(v3.5) developed by Leuven-Template.   Graphs are drawn using Highcharts
Weather forecast from, delivered by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK.

UV Index Forecast 

Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
uv index rounded uv index rounded uv index rounded uv index rounded uv index rounded uv index rounded
2,5 2,5 2,6 2,3 2,5 2,6
 Medium   Medium   Medium   Low   Medium   Medium 
UV forecast courtesy of and Copyright © KNMI/ESA ( Used with permission.   - script v3: by Wim van der Kuil -

Fire Danger Index more information

You find our weather info also at:

European Weather Network

Weather Underground


Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP)

UK Metoffice

Equipment we use:

Davis Wireless Vantage Pro2

Davis Wireless Vantage Pro2