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Two Crosses In The Sky206 viewsTwo Crosses appeared on October 27th, 2017 during the sunset of this calm fishing day in Sykia of Corinth region. A TRUE RAW photo!! No editing and no photomontage!!! Dec 08, 2018

Fireworks in Sykia58 viewsIt is midnight in front of the Greek Orthodox Church on Easter of April 16th, 2017. Fireworks are celebrating the Resurrection of Christ.Nov 30, 2018

Sea Waves in Corinthian Gulf385 viewsA windy day on July 2016 in Corinthian Gulf.Nov 30, 2018

Sharks_in_Corinthian_Gulf36 viewsI recorded this with a very high zoom on my Sony handheld camera, on May 2nd, 2017.
Click here to see the VideoNov 18, 2018

Olympics Flame 2004_and_Syria37 viewsSee the Olympic Flame in 2004 passing thru North Peloponnese. It is the symbol for a united world. Now look at the included photo in Syria. Both taken at same time!!! What an irony for humanity!!! Nov 13, 2018

Fishermen_and_ Dolphins (Corinthian Gulf)48 viewsActual photos at different instances blended to show another view of the Corinthian Gulf in Greece. Nov 13, 2018